The “Felix Industry Award - A competing Lombardy” was awarded to Ferrarini & Benelli Srl on April 6th 2018 in Milan, at the Assolombarda Auditorium.
President of the Board of Directors and General Manager Claudia Benelli dedicated the award to her father Diego Benelli, and thanked him for creating a dynamic and innovative company throughout over 50 years of business activities.

The survey
In cooperation with Cerved’s Centre of Economic Studies, journalist Michele Montemurro analysed 31.825 balance sheets (2016) of joint-stock companies with registered office in Lombardy and with a level of turnover/revenues ranging from 2 million to 19 billion Euros.
An algorithm ranked the companies by size based on the best gross operating margin, with positive Roe, considering profit-making enterprises with an employee base variation either constant or increasing with respect to the previous year.
During the event held in Milan, 59 Commendations were conferred for the best management performances, together with 19 Balance Mentions awarded at the provincial and regional level.
The award
The Felix Industry Award is organized by the Felix cultural association in cooperation with Cerved and sponsored by the Luiss Guido Carli University, by the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Lombardy and by Ansa (media partner). This economic-financial information event identifies:
- the best-performing companies with respect to the main accounting parameters (Balance Mentions) at the provincial and regional level
- the best management performances of under-40 small-, medium- and large-sized enterprises run by women in the industry at the provincial and regional level (Commendations).
The best companies are selected by a Scientific Board chaired by Cesare Pozzi, Professor of Enterprise Economics at Luiss. Professor Pozzi assessed the summary of the survey conducted by Michele Montemurro, who conceived the event, in cooperation with Cerved’s Study Centre.
Ferrarini & Benelli Srl received a Commendation as the best small-sized enterprise of the province of Cremona.
Companies awarded in 2018