25 January 2022

i-Label: final event

The final event dedicated to the i-Label project for the manufacturing of smart labels aimed at sustainable packaging is taking place on the 18th of February.

 This live streaming event marks the final stage of the important i-Label initiative that has involved, besides Ferrarini & Benelli, Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology), ILTI, Omet and VDGlab.

Each speaker, on behalf of their company, will talk about their business and their specific contribution to the project and will comment on the results achieved and on future goals in the field of printed electronics.

i-Label ranked third in the “Hub Research and Innovation” call for proposals of Regione Lombardia.

The call, carried out under the POR FESR 2014-2020 tender, with the contribution of resources from the European Union, Italy and Regione Lombardia, was aimed at strategic research, development and innovation projects.


Opening remarks

  • Pietro Venturini, i-Label Partnership Consultant

Welcome from Regione Lombardia

  • Gabriele Busti, Director of the Investment Structure for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer

Presentation from i-Label partners

  • Sergio Veneziani, Fedrigoni Self Adhesives | Claudia Benelli, Ferrarini & Benelli | Mario Caironi, Italian Institute of Technology | Arianna Scarpinelli, ILTI | Stefano Corani, Omet | Vincenzo Di Giovine, VDGlab

Results of the i-Label Project

  • Sergio Veneziani and Antonio Iachetti

Innovative Technologies and User Experience Design

  • Carlo Branzaglia, European Institute of Design

Printed Electronics

  • Mario Caironi, Italian Institute of Technology

Creation of the HUB for Printed Electronics

  • Antonio Iacchetti, RIBES TECH | Giorgio Dell’Erba, FLEEP TECH | Luca Beverina, University of Milan – Bicocca | Mario Caironi, Italian Institute of Technology | Sergio Veneziani, Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives

Closing remarks

  • Pietro Venturini, i-Label Partnership Consultant
i-Label: final event